Welcoming 3rd Stage Students

The Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University held an orientation program for third stage students on 18th of October. The program aimed to welcome students to TIU for the academic year of 2022-2023, and was attended by 88 3rd stage students. Under the supervision of  Dr. Serdar Dayan, DOS Representative at the Faculty of Engineering, the program provided students with a summary of information and regulations within the student handbook, discussing the university’s guidelines, and highlighting the services offered by the university.

Mrs. Lavin, DOS Representative also delivered a presentation about the Dean of Students and their activities, and explained how students can participate in such activties and community service projects. Ms. Dania Idrees Asaad, Research Assistant and DOS Representative, presented the activates and social projects students worked on hand in hand last year. She also introduced the new social activates for the academic year 2022-2023.