Departmental Activities 2022-2023

Date of the Activity Type of the Activity  Brief Description about the Activity Venue of the Activity Staff


Sponsor Participants Target Audience Column 9
28/09/2023 Social Activity Staff Breakfast Restaurant Shino Abdullah TIU Architecture Dept. Staff 40 Done
12/10/2023 National workshop Evolution of the concept of architecture TIU No’man Al-Bayaty TIU Architecture Dept. Staff 30 Done
16/10/2023 Others Orientation Program for (second,Fourth)stage students TIU Rawaz Najmaddin TIU Students 2nd and 4th grade Students Done
17/10/2023 Others Orientation Program for (fifth) stage students. TIU Rawaz Najmaddin TIU Students 5th grade Students Done
18/10/2023 Others Orientation Program for (third) stage students. TIU Rawaz Najmaddin TIU Students 3rdgrade Students
24/10/2023 Academic trip Academic trip for Third stage Hotel in Erbil Shalaw Hamza TIU Students 3rd grade Students
25/10/2023 Social Activity Breakfast for 2nd stage Architecture students TIU Dr.serdar Dayan TIU Students 2nd grade Students
26/10/2023 Social Activity Mawlid Nabawi Seminar TIU Rawaz Najmaddin TIU All staff and Students 120
30/10/2023 Academic Trip Academic trip for fourth stage students Hospital in Erbil Dr. Hussein Ali

Dr. Salem Mokhtar

TIU Students 4th grade Students
05/11/2023 National Workshop Ecological aspect of landscape and design TIU Nawaz Al Dabbagh TIU Architectural Department Staff 30
09/11/2023 Academic Competition AWARD CEREMONY FOR TIU LANDSCAPE COMPETITION TIU Rawaz Najmaddin TIU Staff and Students Open access
Social Activity Alumni Invitation TIU Serdar Dayan

Rawaz Najmaddin

TIU Architecture Dep. Staff and Alumnis All Architecture Dep. Alumni
22/11/2023 Social Activity Visiting Alumni Alumni Workplace Rawaz Najmaddin TIU Architecture Dep. Staff and Alumni All Architecture Dep. Alumni
22/11/2023 Social Activity Visiting Alumni in Empire Alumni Workplace Rawaz Najmaddin TIU Architecture Dep. Staff and Alumni All Architecture Dep. Alumni
28-29/11/2023 Conference Conference chair for the ICAD 2023 TIU Architecture and interior design TIU Staff of TIU International participants Open Access
05/12/2023 Academic trip Academic Trip for fourth stage to Erbil Citadel-conservation course Erbil Citadel Dr. Salem Mokhtar TIU Students 4th grade Students
06/12/2023 Social Activity Awarding ceremony top 3 students TIU Rawaz Najmaddin TIU Architecture Dept. Staff and students. Architecture Dep. students
07/12/2023 Social Activity Lunch for ICAD members and staff who participated in the conference. Restaurant Architecture and interior design TIU Architecture and Interior   Dept. Staff. Architecture and Interior   Dept. Staff
18/12/2023 International Workshop Computer applications in the field of Architecture TIU Shad Sherzad TIU Academics and Engineers National and International audience
20/12/2023 Social Activity Students Breakfast Restaurant Shino Abdullah

Rawaz Najmadeen

TIU Students 40
03/01/2024 Social Activity Welcoming ceremony for first-grade students TIU Aysha Rashid

Rawaz Najmadeen

TIU First Grade students Students
05/01/2024 Others Orientation Program for first-grade Students TIU Shino Abdullah

Noman Albayaty

TIU First Grade students Students
13/02/2024 Social Activity Visit your future School Architecture Dep. Assistants TIU 12 grade Students 12 grade Students
19/02/2024 Social Community Project Primary School Primary School-Erbil Rawaz Najmadeen,


TIU Students 40
03/03/2024 Social Activity Staff Lunch Restaurant Shino Abdullah

Rawaz Najmadeen

TIU Architecture Dep. Staff 50
07/03/2024 Exhibition Spring Festival TIU Rawaz Najmadeen


TIU Students Students
13/03/2024 Social Activity Woman’s Day TIU Shino Abdullah TIU Female staff 25
10/04/2024 Social Activity Iftar for second and fourth-stage students TIU Miss Rawaz Najmadeen, R.Assistants TIU Second and fourth-stage students Female Students
13/04/2024 Social Activity Iftar for first, third and fifth stage students TIU Miss Rawaz Najmadeen

, R.Assistants

TIU First, third and fifth stage students Female Students
13/05/2024 Academic trip Academic Trip for freehand class Erbil Citadel Mr.Ahmed

Miss suzan

TIU Second stage Students Students
14/05/2024 Academic trip Academic Trip for Building construction course Erbil-Construction Sites Mr.Carol Kamil

Miss Jenan Sabah

TIU Second stage Students Students
16/05/2024 Academic Competition NICE Competition TIU All Engineering Staff TIU

Show Market

Nass Wallet


AL Majara

Open Access Engineers



19/05/2024 Social Activity First Stage breakfast Restaurant Miss Rawaz Najmadeen TIU Students Students
21/05/2023 Social Activity Certificate ceremony for NICE TIU Miss Rawaz Najmadeen


TIU Students Students
22/05/2024 Social Activity Appreciating volunteer students TIU Miss Rawaz Najmadeen, R.Assistants TIU Students Students
23/05/2024 Social Activity Farwell Party for Fifth Stage Students TIU Miss Rawaz Najmadeen, R.Assistants TIU Students Students
9-14/06/2024 Training Architectural Applications TIU Academic Staff TIU Academics TIu Staff