Architecture Engineering and Interior Design Departments organized an Art Exhibition of Tishk International Students on 21st December, 2016. Dr. Edris Hadi Head of Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Oztas President of Tishk International University, Miss Soma A. Kareem Head of Architecture Engineering Department and Mr. Haval Sami Head of Interior Design Department opened the Exhibition.

The event was organized by the head of Exhibition Committee Mrs. Siba Kady with the help of a group consisted of 6 Research Assistants and 10 volunteer students. The purpose was that talented students have the opportunity to present their works and arts consisting of professional photographs, Handcrafted Sculptures and paintings with pencils, Pastels, Acrylic and Water Colors, live Music played by our students during the Exhibition.

The following activities have been exhibited during the Exhibition:

54 Photographs, more than 100 Paintings, and 7 Sculptures.

Live Music was played by the architecture students during the Exhibition in which was served open-buffet. The Exhibition had visitors from not only Tishk International University, but also from both Saladin Universityand Cihan University.

DA6 – Exhibition report1