
About omar ismail

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So far omar ismail has created 47 blog entries.

Hash Code registration is now open!

2024-02-15T14:31:17+03:00January 14th, 2020|

Are you up for the challenge? Hash Code 2020 is approaching! Hash Code is a team-based programming competition, organized by Google, for students and professionals around the world. Participants pick their team and programming language and Google picks an engineering problem for them to solve. Hash Code is open to university students and industry professionals from all around globe. Participants must compete in a group of two, three, or four members (each group referred to as a “Team”). Participants must form their team in the Judge System and each participant must be above 18 years old. The Judge System is an [...]

Orientation Program was held

2020-10-18T12:24:55+03:00November 12th, 2019|

The department of Computer Engineering have organized an orientation program for their newly enrolled first grade students on Sunday, November 10th, 2019 in hall #331 in Tishk International University's Main Building. The program started with a short yet informative presentation by the Dean of Students representative in which their activities, events and clubs were briefly covered. Later on, Mr. Mousa Masoud, lecturer from Computer Engineering department, gave an overview on the department's history, mission and vision, facilities as well as the social and scientific activities that are regularly held during each academic year along. The international accreditation which was awarded to [...]

Course Registration is open for First Grade students

2019-11-03T21:08:41+03:00November 3rd, 2019|

Dear Freshers, We would like to welcome each and every one of you to the department of Computer Engineering of Tishk International University. We look forward to you having a wonderful and exciting experience! Please note that course registration for Fall semester of academic year 2019-2020 is open from Monday, 4th of November, 2019 and will continue through November 5th and 6th. You can visit Networks Lab #239 in the main building's second floor to finalize your registration and make sure to reach out to any of our department staff members or students for further information. See you there!

Nanakaly Hospital project – Contract renewal

2019-10-25T23:19:17+03:00October 25th, 2019|

The department of Computer Engineering, with the help and cooperation of the Deanery of Students office of Tishk International University, have proudly renewed their partnership contract with Nanakaly hospital for the duration of 6 months on Wednesday, 23rd of October, 2019. This community project is mainly aimed at helping the cancer-stricken children by providing the hospital with a monthly salary for two nurses, in light of the staff and resources shortages experienced within the hospital. The partnership contract was first signed on February 9th, 2017 and the project is on-going ever since with the help of the generous donations provided by [...]

Graduation project proposals

2019-10-27T10:09:30+03:00October 21st, 2019|

Announcement to senior year students! Please note that the graduation project proposals are available in the below mentioned link. Please check the project proposals thoroughly and visit the project supervisors for further information about the topic you are interested in. Formed groups should be comprised of two to three students only and the deadline for choosing your projects is on 31st of October, 2019. (Updated on 27-10-2019) Click here to download the project proposals (UPDATED)

Clubs Introduction day

2019-10-14T21:40:36+03:00October 14th, 2019|

We would like to inform you that Dean of students office will be organizing the Clubs Introduction Day on Wednesday, October 16th at 9:00 AM. The event is aimed to introduce the clubs and the instructors of each club to the students as well as the staff. During the event, each club will be explaining their plans, schedules and activities that will be conducted during this academic year. Students and staff interested in attending one of the clubs can visit the booths and register their names and get further information from the clubs members and coordinators.

Get ready for BCC 2020!

2019-11-15T21:56:32+03:00September 16th, 2019|

The Blind Coding Challenge (BCC) will be back in 2020 for its second edition! In aims of providing a platform for the Computer Engineering department students to improve and demonstrate their problem solving and programming skills, the department will be hosting its 2nd "Blind Coding Challenge" coding competition among its undergraduate students in early May. The Blind Coding Challenge is an individual and fun challenge which is targeting the students from Computer Engineering and IT department of all grades. Each participant will be given four programming problems of varied difficulties to solve with their monitors turned off, hence the name of [...]

2019 Airbus GEDC Diversity Award – Registration guidelines

2022-01-18T22:54:48+03:00August 5th, 2019|

Airbus, the global leader in aeronautics, space and related services and the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC), the international organisation for leaders of schools and colleges of engineering, invite you to enter the 7th global Airbus GEDC Diversity Award for engineering education. This award aims to shine a light on successful projects that inspire students from all profiles and backgrounds to study and succeed in engineering. Three finalist projects will be announced and the Project Representative of each will be invited to Airbus Headquarters to present their project to a distinguished Jury at the beginning of 2020. Click here for registration [...]

Summer School and Make-up Examination rules and regulations

2022-01-18T22:55:09+03:00July 30th, 2019|

Dear Students, Kindly go over the below linked PDF file which contains a detailed explanation of the newly designed rules and regulations for summer school and make-up examinations. Please also note the following: Summer School registration will open from 4 - 7 of August, 2019 Add Drop days for summer school will be on 8th of August, 2019 Summer School courses will start on 18th of August, 2019 Make-up Examination period will start from 18th of August to 26th of September, 2019 Click here to download the Summer School and Make-up examination rules and regulations

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