As a part of appreciation and encouragement, Mr. Ammar Aldalawy, the chairperson of “International Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE – Erbil Section”, awarded certificate of appreciation to Second Grade volunteer students for their valuable contribution in organizing SPE Distinct Lecturer (DL) workshop program.

SPE DL workshop program was held twice during 2018-2019 academic year in the department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. The first workshop was held on 14th of November, 2018 lectured by Dr.Cosan Ayan, while the second workshop was held on 7th of March, 2019 lectured by Dr. Ding Zhu.

Volunteer Students awarded the certificate are as follows:

1- Ibrahim Fatih.
2- Aram Hassan.
3- Omar Azad.
4- Zahra Mua’yad.
5- Slivana Bakhtiyar.
6- Gazang Goran.