PTR-111 | Engineering Drawing |
Introduction, course outline, Lines, Lettering, Dimensioning, Scales, Geometrical Construction, Projections, Isometric projection, Mid exam, Seminars, Final Examination. |
MAT-101 | Calculus |
Functions, Range & Domains, Derivation, Curve Tracing, Limits, Mid- semester examination, Area & Volume Integration, Fundamental theorem of Integration, Application of Integration. |
IT-103 | Introduction to Information Technology |
Introduction, Computer Hardware, Operating Systems, Computer Software, MS – Word, MS – Excel, MS – PowerPoint. |
KUR-105 | Kurdology I&II |
General introduction, The Kurds and their country Kurdistan, History, Kurdish society, Language, Folklore and literature. |
PTR-124 | General Geology |
This course is designed as an introduction to the composition and structure of the earth, its rocks and minerals, surface erosional and depositional features, and the agents that form them. Topics include plate tectonics, volcanoes, weathering and erosion, earthquakes, streams and groundwater, glaciers, shorelines, faults and geologic structures. |
PTR-126 | Computer Application |
COMPASS reading score of 70, or a “C” or “P” in STSK 96, 98, 99, TSRE 50, 55 or 75; and COMPASS algebra score of 33, or a “C” in MATH 101 or 110. This course is designed to introduce procedural programming fundamentals using the C/C++ programming environment. The student will learn to write programs involving variable storage, formatted input/output, use of control structures, program repetition, logical operations, file interaction, and structured programming. |
PTR-122 | Organic Chemistry |
Spectroscopic methods for structural characterization of organic and inorganic compounds: symmetry, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. This course will emphasize practical aspects of spectroscopic methods. |
ELT -102 | Technical English |
The course reinforces academic writing skills. In this course students write different types of essays based on the ideas they are exposed to in the reading selections. The emphasis is on the writing process in which students go through many stages from brainstorming and outlining to producing a complete documented piece of writing. |
PTR-128 | Statics and Dynamics |
Statics: Resolution & resultants of forces – 2D & 3D. Moments – 2D & 3D. Equivalent systems. Equilibrium of particles & Free Body Diagrams. Equilibrium, reactions & structure types. 2D Planar Trusses. Internal forces, bending-moment, shear & axial force diagrams. Properties of Area – Centroid & Second Moment of Area. Materials – Introduction to Stress-Strain, Yield Stress, Young’s Modulus, Engineers Theory of Bending. Dynamics: Motion of a point – straight line & curvilinear. Kinetics. Energy Methods. Momentum Methods. Moments of Inertia. Application of rotation inertia. |
PTR -211 | Petroleum Geology |
Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: GEOL 3345, and GEOL 3350, or consent of instructor. Credit may not be given for both GEOL 4382, and GEOL 6381. Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology; source rock, reservoir, and trap studies; well log and seismic interpretation, petroleum geochemistry, and mapping. |
PTR-229 | Thermodynamics |
Review: thermal equilibrium; ideal gas; and equipartition, Heat and Work: heat and work; compression work , Heat Capacities: heat capacities; Latent heat; Enthalpy, Rates of Processes: Transport coefficients, The Second Law: two-state systems; The Einstein model of a solid; interacting systems, The Second Law: Large systems; Ideal gas, The Second Law: Interacting ideal gases; Entropy, Interactions: Temperature, Interactions: entropy and heat, Interactions: paramagnetism, Interactions: mechanical equilibrium and pressure; diffusive equilibrium and chemical potential, Engines and Refrigerators: heat engines, Engines and Refrigerators: Refrigerators, Engines and Refrigerators: real heat engines, Engines and Refrigerators: real refrigerators, Engines and Refrigerators: liquefiers; helium dilution refrigerator, Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics: free energy as available work, Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics: free energy as a force toward equilibrium, Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics: phase transformations of pure substances Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics: phase transformations of mixtures Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics: dilute solutions Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics: chemical equilibrium |
PTR-224 | Petroleum Fluid Properties |
Introduction, characteristics and fluid properties units of measurements, Fluid in the case of static: the relationship between pressure and density and height, pressure gauge and absolute pressure, manometer, forces on the flat and convex surfaces and submerged applications, pressure gauge and absolute pressure, manometer, forces on the flat and convex surfaces and submerged applications, the movement of the liquid kinematic, the flow is steady and constant, the of uniform and non-uniform flow, the line of flow, the flow of a one-dimensional and two and three, velocity, acceleration, average velocity, discharge, applications, the basic laws, the equation of motion, energy equation, Euler equation, Bernoulli equation, the power line and the line hydraulic pumps, law of conservation of momentum and applications, Applications of law of conservation of momentum |
PTR -230 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics |
Introduction, Functions of several variables, Limits and continuity in higher dimension, Partial derivatives , Three – dimensional Laplace equation, Two – dimensional Laplace equation, One –dimensional Wave equation, The chain Rule for function of two independent variables, Gradient vectors, Tangent planes, Total differential, High and low points on the surface |
PTR -217 | Introduction to Petroleum Engineering |
What is petroleum engineering?, what does petroleum mean?, generation of petroleum, chemical composition of petroleum, petroleum products, fractional distillation, the first oil well, history of oil in Iraq and production sharing contract. Geology and Exploration; Rock types, parameters controlling petroleum occurrence, migration of petroleum, entrapment of petroleum and oil exploration methods. Rock and Fluid Properties; Reservoir rocks characteristics, porosity, permeability, rock and fluid interaction, types of reservoir, and types of reservoir drive mechanism. Drilling Operations; Types of oil rigs, rotary drilling, well control, drilling procedures, cementing operation, directional drilling, and drilling problems. Formation Evaluation; Mud logging, coring, open-hole logging, cased-hole logging, logging while drilling, and formation testing. Well Completion and Stimulation; Setting production casing, installing the tubing, installing the Christmas tree, perforating, well completion technologies, and well stimulation.. Production and Surface Facilities ; Flowing wells, artificial lift, oil treating, storage and sale of oil, and saltwater disposal. |
PTR-219 | Circuit and Electronics |
Study of electric circuits and networks. Includes resistive circuits and first-order transients, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, and frequency response. Emphasis on basic principles and their application to circuit analysis using linear algebra and calculus. Laboratory component included. |
PTR -312 | Reservoir Engineering I |
Fundamentals of evaluation of oil and gas reservoirs. Reservoir volumetric; material balance; Darcy’s Law and equation of continuity; diffusivity equation; streamlines; well models; introduction to well testing; decline curve analysis; natural water influx |
PTR-311 | Well Logging |
Introduction to well logging methods for determining nature and fluid content of Formations penetrated by drilling. The application of well‐log interpretation methods will be practiced for the cases as follows : Core‐log integration, rock typing, and resource determination Quantitative interpretation of well logs to estimate rock and fluid properties, including porosity, net pay thickness, fluid saturations, fluid type/density, volumetric/weight concentrations of minerals, and dynamic petro physical properties such as permeability and saturation‐dependent capillary pressure and relative permeability Well‐log interpretation in clay‐free, shaly‐sand, and organic‐shale formations Theory and physics of well‐log measurements Development of computer models for well‐log analysis |
PTR -316 | Petroleum Production Engineering |
Tubing and packer design; hydraulic fracturing and acidizing; oil and gas well performance; vertical lift and choke performance; systems analysis; production operations. |
PTR-317 | Mechanics of Materials |
Basic principle of mechanics, including the definition of stress, transformations and principal values for the stress and strain tensors, kinematic relation review of conservation equations and the development and application of consecutive laws for idealized materials. Elementary elastostatics utilizing Hooke’s Law; consecutive relations for a linear-elastic continuum, including elastic parameters such as Youngs Modulus, shear and bulk moduli and poisson-s ratio. Solution of elementary one- and two-dimensional mechanics problems, including thermal stresses and strains, beam flexure, shear and deflections, pressure vessel and buckling of columns. |
PTR -325 | Well Testing |
Diffusivity equation; exponential integral solution; principle of superposition; draw-down testing, skin effects, wellbore storage, type curve matching, reservoir limit test; buildup testing, bounded reservoirs, average reservoir pressure; drill stem testing; interference testing; pulse testing; reservoir heterogeneities; anisotropy, stratification, sealing faults . |
PTR-314 | Statistics for Engineering |
Visualizing data: creating high-density, efficient graphics that highlight the data honestly. Univariate data analysis: Probability distributions and confidence intervals, Process monitoring, aka statistical process control (SPC), for monitoring process behaviour, Least squares regression modeling: correlation, covariance, ordinary and multiple least squares models. Enrichment topics will be covered, time permitting. Design and analysis of experimental data and response surface methods for continual process improvement and optimization. Introduction to latent variable modeling: a general overview of latent variable models and their use in (chemical) engineering processes |
PTR -327 | Petroleum Refinery and Corrosion |
Fundamental topics related to refinery alloys and corrosion will first be presented. The course will relate basic materials of construction to various refinery units. The various types of corrosion will be described and workshop problems will be used to illustrate how these damage mechanisms relate to refinery units. Methods for identification of damage will also be described. Basics of metallurgy for refinery applications, Refinery alloys, Materials selection for refinery units, Corrosion types, low temperature corrosion, High temperature corrosion, Stress corrosion, Mechanical failures, Refinery unit corrosion and materials selection, Methods used in identification of damage mechanisms for integrity assessments, Methods of failure analysis and failure prevention. |
PTR -313 | Petroleum Engineering Economics |
Application of petroleum engineering principles and economics to the evaluation of oil and gas projects; evaluation principles, time value of money concepts, and investment measures; cost estimating, price and production forecasting; risk and uncertainty, project selection, and capital budgeting. |
PTR -415 | Integrated Reservoir Management |
Application of petroleum engineering and geoscience principles to the design of the reservoir management plan. The management environment; integrated reservoir description; performance prediction; developing the reservoir management plan; economics. Capstone course for Petroleum Engineering majors. |
PTR -414 | Reservoir Description |
Advanced reservoir engineering concepts required for effective production of oil and gas. Reservoir characterization; reservoir heterogeneity and anisotropy; recovery mechanisms; Leverett J-functions; upscaling; flow simulation; history matching and forecasting; uncertainty and risk. |
PTR -416 | Natural Gas Engineering |
Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Review of properties of natural gases and condensate systems; gas flow in porous media; gas reservoir engineering; gas field development; gas condensate reservoirs; natural gas transportation and storage |
PTR -412 | Reservoir Simulation |
This course is a fast-paced, lecture-style overview of the fundamental concepts and elements of reservoir simulation. No equations are used. Instead, we discuss various phases of reservoir modeling, including when to use reservoir simulation, the use and misuse of reservoir simulation, elements of a reservoir simulation model, the types of reservoir simulators and their features. The course also covers coordinate geometries and types of models, managing a simulation run, defining initial conditions, history matching and prediction. |
PTR -417 | Water Flooding |
This course teaches an integrated version of the basics of water flooding (water injection) and enhanced (secondary) oil recovery (EOR), illustrating the connection of each process to a few fundamental principles. It reviews the specifics of thermal and solvent EOR by relating basic principles to the results of cases from the field. Definitions of EOR and polymer flooding, Fundamentals of displacement, Phase behavior, micellar-polymer flooding, and chemical methods, Thermal flooding and the basics of solvent flooding. |
PTR -418 | Senior Design Project |
Although the graduation project is a whole course to be completed, it is divided into two semesters as follows: 1st semester: Supervised independent study and research 2nd semester: Graduation project In evaluating the Supervised independent study and research, the following guidelines will be utilized. The course will be graded on a 0 to 100 point scale. A grade of 60 points is considered passing for purposes of meeting Tishk International University graduation requirement. There are two components to the final grade including: the semester activity, and the oral presentation. Each component will be graded independently of the other components. Responsibility for all aspects of the graduation project rests solely with the student. The student is responsible for selecting a project, scheduling time to complete the project, completing requirements on time and seeking help when needed. It is the student’s responsibility to select, contact and confirm an advisor. This person serves as the advisor for the student as he/she completes his/her graduation project. |