Internal Seminar – Reduce Oil Pollution in Kawergosk Refinery

The Petroleum and Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University (TIU) organized an insightful internal seminar titled “Reducing Oil Pollution in Kawergosk Refinery Effluent.” The seminar, delivered by Assistant Professor Mr. Ziyad Jamil Talabany, took place on January 31st, 2024, at 3:00 PM in Hall no. 214, Main Building.

The primary focus of the seminar was to elucidate the process of mitigating oil contamination in discharged water from the refinery. Mr. Ziyad Jamil Talabany introduced the innovative method of utilizing Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF), which involves the application of pressurized air with kinetic energy.

This methodology facilitates the collision and bonding of small oil droplets, resulting in the formation of larger drops that can float. The difference in density enables the separation of these larger drops, effectively reducing oil pollution in the refinery effluent.

It is noteworthy that the experiments supporting this seminar were conducted at the refinery itself. This study is part of an MSc thesis supervised by Mr. Ziyad Jamil Talabany at the College of Engineering, Salahaddin University of Erbil, in 2020.

The seminar provided valuable insights into sustainable practices within the petroleum industry, showcasing the department’s commitment to fostering innovative solutions and advancing knowledge in the field.