On Thursday, 1st of June, 2023, the Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University organized a geological trip for the first grade students to Shaqlawa Area crossing the Pirmam Anticline towards Safin Anticlie and Mirawa Valley (Syncline). The trip was held under the supervision Dr. Shwan Omer, Lecturer of General Geology, and aimed to show students geological rock formations and other features. It included six stop stations to explain and show the geological features. The stops started from the Bastora valley at which the younger rock formations are cropping out, represented by Upper Bakhtiari and lower Bakhtiari formations as well as recent river terraces.

The stops were at sites of older formations respectively which are the Upper Fars, Lower Fars, PilaSpi, Gercus, Kolosh, Shiranish and finally the Bekhma Formation around Shaqlawa Town.  The lithology of these rock formations was explained in detail. Different types of rocks are present in the area such as Conglomerate, Sandstone, Claystone, Chalky Limestone, Dolomite, Marl and others. The students learned how to take a rock sample using a geological hammer and how to use the geologic compass for measuring dip and strike. The students were also shown how rock formations are repeated on both sides of the Pirmam Anticline.