DNO Concludes Training Program with Certification and Appreciation

A pivotal chapter in education has reached its zenith as the renowned Norwegian Oil Company, DNO, successfully wraps up its transformative training program for the students of the Petroleum and Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University (TIU) on November 30th. With 21 eager participants, this immersive experience provided a unique bridge between classroom learning and the dynamic realm of real-world industry practices.

On this day, students underwent a thorough examination, a testament to their dedication and the practical knowledge gained during the program. Each student received a certification from DNO, recognizing their successful completion of the program.

In a gesture of gratitude, Tishk International University staff  presented a appreciation shield to DNO company and extended  heartfelt thanks to the dedicated trainers who played a crucial role in shaping the students’ understanding of the oil and mining sector.

DNO, a global oil giant, showcased unwavering commitment and hospitality throughout the program, offering a wealth of lectures, providing expert trainers, and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the oil and mining sector. The program, meticulously arranged for our department by Mr. Omar Azad, the department’s research assistant, proved to be an invaluable experience, offering students unparalleled insights into the complexities of the industry.

As we bid farewell to this enriching journey, we look forward to the continued success and growth of our students in the dynamic field of Petroleum and Mining Engineering.