It is widely agreed among professionals that civil education in universities rarely exposes students to construction methods. The institutes are focused on teaching students to think conceptually and sell their construction designs, but when it comes to actual materials and construction, being on-site allows the student to witness how different materials and components come together and the processes and mechanisms involved in any structure. In fact, ask any professional in the field, and they are likely to mention that most of their knowledge of construction comes from years of on-site experience. Site visits are an essential part of our courses.

A scientific trip program for fourth-grade students was organised to the Guma-span Dam on December 4th,2022, under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Thamir Muhammad Ahmed and Assistant Researcher Mr. Abdullah Hassan. The visit included a detailed review of all facilities at the concrete dam and the stages of construction, as presented by the site engineers. The engineers also described the dam’s components, its dimensions, design and implementation formulas, and the size of the reservoir. Students held discussions, with some inquiries presented according to the background of what was studied at the university in terms of the principles of design and analysis of the concrete dam. Visiting a live construction site gives our students valuable insight into the civil engineering industry and enhances their understanding of how taught theoretical principles are applied in practice.