Department Council
Chair: Mr. Barham Haidar Ali (Department Head)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim
Assist Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
Mr. Junaid Kamaran
Mr. Twana Ahmad
Mrs. Asma Abdulkarim
Dr. Yousif Abdullah
Scientific Committee
Chair: Prof. Dr. bayan Salim
Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
Dr. Yousif Abdullah
Disciplinary Committee
Examination Committee
Head of The Committee: Asma Abdulmajeed
Quality Assurance Committee
Exhibition Committee
Coordination Committee
Curriculum Committee
Web-page Administrator
Representative from the department: Halmat Muslih Burhan
Departmental IRO Representative
Representative from the department: Bnar Abubakir
Departmental ISO Representative
Representative from the department: Bnar Abubakir
Civil Alumni Representative
Representative from the department: Naz Noori