Article 1-Objectives 

1. To help students benefit from the educational facilities in summer term; in this respect, to increase the educational productivity,

2. To provide students with a new facility of taking the courses that they were unsuccessful in Fall and Spring semesters and the courses that they take to increase their GPA. Also, it aims to prevent the accumulations of course enrolments in the Fall and Spring semesters,

3. To benefit from the academicians working in high educational and research institutions in the country and abroad but available only i summer,

4. To help the students in other higher educational institutions and public and private sector personnel from the educational facilities of our university.

5. Provide opportunity for successful students to graduate earlier.

Article 2- Scope – 

These regulations are applied to the students of Faculties for the courses and in periods determined by Tishk International University Council.

Article 3- Definition – 

Summer Term is the educational term given in summer apart from Fall and Spring Semesters by Tishk International University.

Article 4- 

Application Principles –

It is not possible to postpone the elective and compulsory courses of Associate degree, Bachelor’s degree and Graduate programs of Tishk International University and open it in summer terms.

Article 5 

Summer Term is determined to start by the University Council.

Article 6

Educational term for Summer Term is 6 weeks. This term covers mid-term and final exams

Article 7 – 

The courses to be opened in summer term and instructors of those courses shall be announced at least within 45 days from the start of the spring semester by the proposal of the department and determination of faculties, institutes and colleges. While determining who is responsible for a course, the instructor who previously gave the course is preferable.

Article 8 

The enrolment of the students who take courses in the summer term is done in two phases as pre-enrolment and enrolment. The registration procedures of enrolment are mentioned in the academic calendar. First day of summer Term will also be the add/drop day for the courses that has not been opened because of not adequate number of students.

Article 9 

In summer Term a student can take maximum 3 courses on condition that not exceeding 9 credits.

Article 10

In order to open a course at least eight students are required to be enrolled. If the number of enrolled students is less than eight, related Faculty Council decides whether to open the course or not.

Article 11 

In the summer term courses at least one mid-term exam and one final exam are held. In determination of achievement grades, related regulations of “Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations” of Tishk International University are applied.

Article 12 

In the summer term, mid-term and all other exams can be held only for the courses of summer term and for the students enrolled to these courses. There will not be any make-up examination in any case for courses taken in summer Term.

Article 13 

For the students who have the passing grade but repeats the course in summer term to increase their GPA, no matter what the previous grade is, their last grade will be valid.

Article 14

The grades achieved at the end of summer term are added to the GPA average of the regular grades. In the transcripts, it is shown that these courses are taken in the summer term.

Article 15 

The tuition fee for the summer Term that should be taken from the students for these courses are determined by the University Council.

Article 16  

The regulations for Preparatory School Summer Term are in Regulations of Preparatory School.

Article 17

Students who registered to summer courses should pay full payments. Summer Term fees per credit for courses will be determined by University Council annually.

Article 18 

The summer term is not added to education duration. Tishk International UNIVERSITY STUDENT HANDBOOK 1 THE FUTURE IS HERE

Article 19 

Students who registered for summer courses should attend minimum %80 of course hours.

Article 20 

In the situations that are not specified herein, the “Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations” of Tishk International University are applied.

Article 21 

Validity This regulation is in effect from in 09.11.2015

Article 22

Execution The provisions herein are enforceable by the President of Tishk International University.