Supervisor Details

Common Mistakes in Construction Projects and their Ethical Consequences: A Case-based Study
Prof. Bayan Salim Download

Dynamic Analysis of Bastora Earth Dam By Using Geostudio Software
Assoc. Prof. Thamir Ahmed Download

Design of a Reinforced Concrete Deck-Girder Bridge Using AASHTO and ACI Codes, with Working Stress and Ultimate Strength Design Methods
Prof. Najmadeen M. Saeed Download

Bearing Capacity of soils using Plaxis 3d
Dr. Yousif Abdullah Download

Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Translucent Concrete
Dr. Barham Haidar

Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment of Pavements: Evaluating Environmental Impacts and Sustainability of Road Infrastructure

Mrs. Asmaa Abdulmajeed Download

Impact of Road Geometry on Accident Rates
Mrs. Suriya Shaffi

No. Titles Supervisor
1 Slope stability analysis based on Geostudio software. Dr. Yousif Abduallah
2 Soft soil improvement and analysis using Sigma/W software Dr. Yousif Abduallah
3 Stability analysis of sheet-pile walls subjected to seepage. Dr. Yousif Abduallah
4 Settlement analysis of footings on clays and sands Dr. Yousif Abduallah
5 Study of bearing capacity of foundations Dr. Yousif Abduallah
6 Design and stability analysis of concrete dam Asst. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
7 Design and stability analysis of earth dam Asst. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
8 Compressive strength of geopolymer mortar subjected to elevated temperature. Mr. Esam Mulapeer
9  Effect of molarity and aggregate types on properties of geopolymer mortar. Mr. Esam Mulapeer
10 Design of Cantilever Retaining Walls Mr. Siyamand Taher
11 Design Mat Footing for a Multistory Building by ETABS v18 Mr. Siyamand Taher
12 Effect of using fire damaged concrete as recycled coarse aggregate in concrete Mr. Twana Ahmed
13 The Effect of High Temperature on Mortars Containing Nano Silica Mr. Twana Ahmed
14 Effect of using Nano silica on steel fibre reinforced mortar Mr. Twana Ahmed
15 Using of fire damaged geopolymer concrete as coarse aggregate of self-compacted normal strength concrete Mr. Twana Ahmed
16 The effect of high temperature on the residual and mechanical performance of concrete made with recycled geopolymer and steel fiber concrete Mr. Twana Ahmed
17 The Use of Powder of recycled Ceramic in Making Eco-Friendly Concretes Mr. Twana Ahmed
18 Altenative highway material replacement used in road construction Mrs. Asma Abdulmajeed
19 Investigation of physical properties of asphalt using waste oil Mrs. Asma Abdulmajeed
20 Deflection calculation and control of normal- and light-weight RC flat plate floor systems Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim
21 Punching strength of normal- and light-weight RC  flat plate floor systems Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim
22 The effect of using different raw materials on the properties of self compacted Geopoleymer concrete Mr. Junaid Kameran
23 The effect of using different waste materials as a replacement of sand on the properties of self compacted Geopoleymer concrete Mr. Junaid Kameran
24 Strengthening of self compacted Geopoleymer concrete with different waste fibers Mr. Junaid Kameran
No. Name of Topics Supervisors Students Name
1 Design of earth dam for specific case. Ass. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed Kewan Mahmood, Asia Othman& Mohammad Faisal
4 Effects of filter length on earth dam stability. Ass. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed Aya Ameer,  & Iman Hassan
6 Study of the simply supported variable reinforced concrete beam under distributed loads. Dr. Saad Khalis Essa Rebar Qadir, Osman Asad & Nihayat Tofiq
8 Strength develeopment in concrete using different types of cement Mr. Braham Haidar Hunar Kurdo, Bana Kurdo & Haval Kawa
9 Earthquake resistance of linked column frames by using SAP200 Mr. Twana Ahmed Rabar Jamal, Doski Ramazan & Soma Azad
Eartquake Resistant Building Construction & Remdial Measures to minimize the losses due to earthquakes Mr. Twana Ahmed Shkar Bapir, Hakari Tareq & Sabr Abdurahman
11 Rehabilitation and stengthening techineques of damaged RC structures Mr. Twana Ahmed Mohammad Naif, Tara Kirmanj, & Abdurahman Khalil
13 Design Reinforced Concrete Cantliver Retaining Wall by Geo5 Mr. Siyamand Taher  Nuran Gailan, Zhyar Azad &  Zainab Zuher
14 Design of single footing for multi-story building by auto desk robot 2018 Mr. Siyamand Taher Sarwar Abdulrahman, Ridyar Zikri & Safa Faisal
15 How to respond a project in crisis, case study: KRG Mr.Haval Mohammad Omed Dewary , Ayman Ali & Nihayat Tofiq
Different Cement Brands in KRG Mr.Haval Mohammad Aram Hawro, Mohammad Dawood &  Mohammad Sherzad
16 Project Management in Times of Crisis, case study: KRG Mr.Haval Mohammad Gashtyar Faruq, Gailan Rafaat &  Goran Rasul
22 Sustainable precast concrete panels Mr.Barham Haidar Ahmed Dilshad & Hawkar Jamshid
23 Structural and non-structural behavior analysis of structures Mr. Junaid Kameran Dara Husain, Yad Sharif & Ahmed Abdulbaqi
24 Wood fiber concrete Mr. Junaid Kameran Ayub Mohammad, Peshniar Muhsin & Mohammad Abdurahim
25 The effect of adding crush glass to the concrete Mr. Junaid Kameran Jameel Abdurahman, Mohammad Abdullah & Soran Kamal
26 Rice husk ash based geopolymer concrete Mr.Esam Zebari Qadir Mohammad Amin, Marden Hosain & Hawzheen Kochar
Graduation Project For Academic year 2017-2018
Design Guideline for Sustainable Concrete Structures, with Application Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim
Sustainable Concrete made with Recycled Concrete Masonry Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim
Evaluation of Dam Performance in Erbil Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
Design of Concrete Dam Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
Design of Earth Dam Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
HydroDyanamic Forces on Dam Gate Tunnel Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
Strength of concrete columns and beams by external wrapping with strips of carbon fibers Mr. Junaid Kamaran
Effect of using treated sewerage water on concrete properties. Mr. Junaid Kamaran
Studying the effect of different method of curing on the mechanical properties of hardened concrete Mr. Junaid Kamaran
The effect of adding crashed glass to the concrete. Mr. Junaid Kamaran
A study on project planning and Scheduling, Case study Mr. Haval Salih
A study on Pavement Management system, Case study Mr. Haval Salih
Implementing Ergonomic principles in Construction project, Case study Mr. Haval Salih
Investigating the factors of delay in Erbil projects Mr. Haval Salih
Durability Modification of Hot Asphalt Mixes Dr. ganjeena Jalal
Design of Mat foundation of Multi-Story building By Robot 2017 Mr. Siyamand Taher
Design of Single Footing of Multi-Story Building By Robot 2017 Mr. Siyamand Taher
Design of Retaining Wall Mr. Siyamand Taher
Profile Design of Rural Road Mr. Barham Haidar
Graduation Project For Academic year 2016-2017
The Environmental Performance of Buildings in Erbil Districts Assist. Prof. Dr. Hassan Hasson
 Effect of water content on the dry density and volume change of low plasticity clayey soils. Dr. Omer Muhie Eldeen
Effect of water content on the dry density and volume change of High plasticity clayey soils. Dr. Omer Muhie Eldeen
Exprimental Study of Forces on Tunnel Dam Gate Assoct. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
Design of Earth Dam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thamir Ahmed
Study the transport & mechanical properties of foamed concrete Barham Haidar
Study the workability & durability self compacting concrete Barham Haidar
Design of Multi Stories Building Barham Haidar
Traffic Coordination Grdamand Mohammad
Road Safety Grdamand Mohammad
Strengthening of concrete Columns and beams by external wrapping with strips of glass fiber. Junaid Kamaran
studing the effect of different method of curing on the mechanical properties of hardened concrete. Junaid Kamaran
effect of using treated sewerage water on concrete properties. Junaid Kamaran
Importance and applications of materials management in construction industry. Cemil Akdeniz
Estimating process in construction management. Cemil Akdeniz
Benefits of safety programs in construction industry. Cemil Akdeniz
Evaluating KRG’s safety performance at Construction site Haval Salih
Pavement Management System as a solution tool For KRG’s pavement system Haval Salih
Investigating quality control of KRG’s construction industry Haval Salih
Project planning & Scheduling, using MS project as an advance tool for monitoring Haval Salih
Investigating site layout planning of KRG’s construction industry Haval Salih
Measuring noise pollution level of KRG’s project Haval Salih
Considering life cycle of project as a critical factor in decision making of projects Haval Salih
Studying methods of adopting Ergonomic program to KRG’s construction industry Haval Salih
Sustainable Structural Design Methodologies Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim
Assessment of Local Limestone Rocks for Construction. Eman Lafta
Evaluation of Direct Shear and Triaxial Tests Results. Eman Lafta
Bearing Capacity of Geogrid Reinforced Slopes. Eman Lafta
design and analysis a water supply system by waterCAD program Mohammad Tareq
evaluation of erbil water treatment plant Mohammad Tareq
material estimation of a building Mohammad Tareq
Graduation Project For Academic year 2015-2016
Design of Reinforced High Strength Concrete frames Extended by Steel Frames. Prf.Dr.Bayan Salim
Experimental Study on Steam Cured Pervious Concrete Dr.Ganjeena & Mr.Barham Haydar
Master Plan for Tishk International University Campus Mr.Barham Haydar
Design of R.C Two-way Joist Floor Systems Prf.Dr.Bayan Salim
Design of Earth Dam/Case Study in Kurdistan Region Assoc.Prf.Dr.Thamir M. Ahmad
 Planning & Scheduling of Construction of the PRIMARY SCHOOL PROJECT Mr.Mariwan Hussain
Application of Value Engineering (VE) in a Community and Cultural Center Project Mr.Mariwan Hussain
Design of Structural Plain Concrete Structures Wall and Footings Prf.Dr.Bayan Salim
Quality control Management System in KRGs Construction Industry Mr.Haval Salih
Design of Concrete Dam/Case Study in Kurdistan Region Assoc.Prf.Dr.Thamir M. Ahmad
Study of Some Properties of Concrete Different Method of Mix Design Mr.Junaid Kamaran
Hydrodynamic Forces on Dam Gate Assoc.Prf.Dr.Thamir M. Ahmad
Strengthening of Concrete Columns and Beams by External Wrapping with Strips of Glass Fiber Mr.Junaid Kamaran
Predication the Effects of Additional Parts of Concrete on Dam Stability Assoc.Prf.Dr.Thamir M. Ahmad
Design of Tank Capacity and Pipe Network by Using Watercad Software Assoc.Prf.Dr.Thamir M. Ahmad
Feasibility of Treated RAP for Road Bases Mss.Eman Lafta
Effect of Bentonite on Permeability of Sandy Soils Dr. Omar Muhi Eldeen
Evaluation of Duhok Dam Design Assoc.Prf.Dr.Thamir M. Ahmad
The Use of Crushed Glass For Soil Improvement Mss.Eman Lafta
Design Evaluation of Duhok Dam Assoc.Prf.Dr.Thamir M. Ahmad and Mr. Mohammad Tareq
A Study and Analysis of Common Types of Weirs Mr. Mohammad Tareq