DAAD Funds Opportunities in Iraq

The Civil Engineering Department at Tishk International University organized a workshop on “Introducing the fund’s opportunities of DAAD”, held on January 5th, 2022. The purpose of this workshop was to explain how to prepare for available funds and to announce the fund availability in Iraq for graduates, Ph.D. candidates or researchers, and higher education cooperation. The workshop also aimed to introduce the roadmap and procedures towards a successful application to DAAD funding grants of a joint international collaborative project, based on experiences from previous project fund applications.

The workshop included the following sessions:

1st session: First session (DAAD Funds for Iraq).

2nd session: Securing Grant for your project.

The first session was presented by Jwan Khalisn (DAAD coordinator for Iraq). Ph.D. Candidate Peshawa Luqman at Bauhaus University Wiemer (BUH) presented the second session of the workshop, which was attended by 36 people including the head of departments, professors, and assistants of TIU and other universities such as Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) and University of Raparin. The participants were also informed on how to get in touch with the latest call for funds and scholarships provided by DAAD.

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