Course Description
CE 313-REINFORCED CONCRETE I :Introduction, course outline, Loads, Serviceability and Safety of Structures, Design Basis, Design codes and specifications, Safety Provisions of the ACI Code, Fundamental Assumptions of RC Behavior, Properties of Concrete in Compression, Properties of Concrete in Tension, Reinforcing Steel for Concrete, Grades and Strengths, Stress-strain Curves, Flexural Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams, Fundamental Assumptions, RC Beam Behavior, Analysis of Stresses
and Strength in the Different Stages, Design of Tension- Reinforced Rectangular Beams, Rectangular Beams with Tension and Compression Reinforcement, Design Aids, Practical Considerations, T Beams. Analysis and Design Examples, Shear and diagonal tension, Introduction, Beams with Vertical Stirrups, Beams with Inclined Bars, RC beams without Shear Reinforcement, RC Beams with Web Reinforcement, ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design, Effect of axial forces on shear strength, Bond, anchorage and development length, introduction, Bond Strength and Development Length, ACI Code Provisions for Development Length inTension, Anchorage by Hooks, Development Length in Compression, Bar Cutoff and Bend Points in Beams, Bar Splices, Group Project for Students, Approximate Analysis of Continuous Beams and One-Way Slabs, ACI Moment and Shear Coefficients, Integrated Beam Design.