


TIU ACI student chapter in collaboration with UoR ACI student chapter will organize an Egg Protection Device Competition on 14th February, 2023. The competition will include the participation of civil engineering departments from several universities. The winning teams will be awarded. The participant teams will receive certificates that will be awarded by ACI - Kurdistan Chapter. Manual of the Competition is attached below 👇 ACI EPD Competition Manual.pdf (Click Here to Download) To register, kindly Click Here ✅ [Please read the manual before registering]


Marshmallow competition for First grade students


Tishk International University's Civil Engineering Department organized a fun-filled Marshmallow Competition for first-grade students at the university campus on Tuesday, December 20th 2022. The competition was held on the university's campus, where the students were introduced to the basic concepts of civil engineering. The aim of the competition was to build the tallest and strongest structure using marshmallows and spaghetti. The young participants were encouraged to use their imagination and creativity to come up with innovative designs. The event was attended by the teaching staff of the Civil Engineering Department who supervised the competition and provided guidance to the students. The [...]

Marshmallow competition for First grade students2023-06-19T14:04:30+00:00

Construction Site Management and Safety Control


Construction Site Management and Safety Control Lecturer: Dr. Barham Haydar Weeks Download Lecture Note Week 1 Chapter I Week 2 Chapter 2-Ergon-Part I 1 Week 3 Chapter 2-Ergon-Part II Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Final Exam

Construction Site Management and Safety Control2022-11-08T09:46:49+00:00

Building Employability Skills Seminar


Building Employability Skills Seminar The Civil Engineering Department and ACI Tishk International University Student Chapter organized a seminar titled “Building Employability Skills”. The seminar was held on December 22nd, 2021, and was presented by Dr. Jawdat Tashan, Ph.D., TIU. The seminar aimed to discuss how to make students employable and help them provide immediate input and contribution to their future employer’s business via building students’ employability skills.   [wds id="19"]

Building Employability Skills Seminar2024-01-23T06:52:47+00:00

Graduation Project 2021 – 2022


Dear Students,  Welcome to the module of Graduation Project. You are required to work on a group basis on this project. The group should be of a maximum of 4 students, and a minimum of 2 students. Each group needs to fill the attached form with the following information, then submit the filled form to Mr. Abdullah Hassan's office by 12:00 pm, Monday, October, 18th, 2021.  -   Names of the students in the group with the signature of each student  -   GPA (out of 4.0) for each student in the group and the average GPA of the group  -   The selected [...]

Graduation Project 2021 – 20222021-10-26T16:09:06+00:00
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