
Journey to CNC Manufacturing: Grade 3 Mechatronics Field Trip


Journey to CNC Manufacturing: Grade 3 Mechatronics Field Trip On May 9th, grade three students of the Mechatronics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University,  embarked on an enlightening field trip as part of their CNC Machines course. The trip, supervised by Dr. Abdulkader Kadauw and Ahmed Ameer, provided students with an opportunity to visit two prominent companies that specialize in the production and utilization of cutting-edge CNC machines. The first stop was Abdullah Jawhar Company, renowned for their expertise in manufacturing machines and vehicle bodies. The students were introduced to various CNC cutting machines, including the CNC plasma, [...]

Journey to CNC Manufacturing: Grade 3 Mechatronics Field Trip2023-05-29T09:23:49+03:00

Scientific Trip to the Swedish Academy


Scientific Trip to the Swedish Academy The Mechatronics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University, organised a scientific trip to the Swedish Academy for second and third-stage students on December 2nd, 2021. The outline of the field trip activity is listed as follows: 1. Scania multi-program (to check tracks) 2. Scania diagnose and program 3. Break the management system 4. Pneumatic system (Electro-pneumatic system) 5. Hydraulic system (automation studio fluid ) from Festo company 6. Using multi-program from Scania 7. Workshop(training, maintenance, gearbox) The primary purpose of this field trip was to gain practical knowledge and help students see [...]

Scientific Trip to the Swedish Academy2022-06-19T19:09:42+03:00
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