Course DescriptionCurriculum

#Course CodeCourse Title
1ME 11Computer Aided Drawing
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Introduction to AutoCAD , AutoCAD familiar drawing strategies , AutoCAD applications , AutoCAD adding text , AutoCAD dimension drawings , AutoCAD layouts and plotting , AutoCAD orthographic projection , Engineering drawing , AutoCAD creating 3D Geometrics , AutoCAD editing and visualizing 3D solids.
2MAT 101Calculus I
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Preliminary topics which are studied in high school, functions and properties and its graphs, some special functions especially trigonometric functions and their graphs, basic limit applications and differentiations.
3DBT 101Academic Debate and Critical Thinking
This course is designed to develop students’ abilities and skills in academic communication and debate. The topics of this course train the students on using sources for academic communication, putting knowledge into good use, and raising academic questions and answering questions in an academic way. The course also aims to teach students how to accept and respect differing opinions, and how to conduct academic arguments.
4PHYS 101General Physics
An introduction to the fundamental principles of physics. Topics include measurements, vectors, kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, work and energy, conservation of energy.
5ME 112Electrical Circuits and Network Analysis
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Basic Circuits Elements, Ohm’s Law , KCL & KVL , Node & Loop Analysis , Series & Parallel Circuits , Linearity & Superposition , Network Laws , Concept of power Maximum power transfer theorem Circuits with dependent sources
6ELT 101Advanced English
This course is designed to build the oral, reading and writing  English skills of non-native speakers of English of Mechatronics Engineering department students, in order to prepare for specific academic work in English.
7KUR 105Kurdology I
General introduction, The Kurds and their country Kurdistan, History, Kurdish society, Language, Folklore and literature.  
8ME 113Magnetics and Energy Conversion
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Vector analysis, static electric field and scalar potential , discrete materials , electric forces , steady currents , magnetic field & vector potential , magnetic materials and circuits , magnetic forces and torque , Faraday’s Laws , electromagnetic energy conversion , transformers , operating principles of DC machines.
9ME 121Engineering Mechanics I
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :force systems , equilibrium , structures , centroid &Center of grafity , second moment of area & moment of inertia , friction and method of virtul work & Stability
10MAT 102Calculus II
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Quadratic, Cubic, Exponential Logarithmic and Hyperbolic functions, the inverse of these functions and their graphs, Limits, Continuity and Derivatives and some Applications, the mean-Value theorem of differentiation and its applications, integration which is one of the basic subjects of calculus with definite and indefinite integral, some application of integration.
11IT 103Introduction to Information Technology
This course introduces Information Technology. Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data. The goal of this course is to help students interested in an information technology career decide where their interests lie.
12ME 122Algorithm and Computing
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Introduction to Programing, Data Concepts, Input and Output , Operators , Structured Programming , Selection , Repetition , Programmer Functions , Arrays , Structures , Building Blocks of Object Oriented Programming , Pointers & References and Files.
13ELT 102Technical English
This course is continuation of ELT 103, which is build the oral, reading and writing English skills of non-native speakers of English of Mechatronics Engineering department students, in order to prepare for specific academic work in English. It teaches advance level of students the language and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers.
14KUR 106Kurdology II
This course is a continuation of Kurdology I. A further study of history of Kurdistan and Kurds as well as major events and figures in after-Islam period.
15ME 123Manufacturing Processes
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Concepts of manufacturing processes , foundry practices & contemporary casting processes , metal cutting theory , conventional machining processes , non- conventional machining processes , engineering properties of materials , process planning and drawing interpretation , quality control and assurance.
16ME 211Advanced Math I
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Three-dimensional geometry, victor calculus, complex analysis, Fourier Analysis.
19ME 212Fluid Mechanics I
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Fluid statics , variation of pressure , capillarity forces on bodies immersed in fluids , pascals lay , buoyancy and stability of floating , manometry , piezometer tubes and mechanical pressure measuring devices , fluid dynamics , Bernoulli’s equation , Reynolds Number , Laminar and Turbulent flows , flows in pipes and ducts, similitude , modeling and dimensional analysis , flow of fluids/differential equations , boundary layer flows , drag and lift coefficients.
20ME 213Mechanics of Materials I
the objective of this course is to study the relationships between external loads and internal forces and deformations induced in the body. It includes Analysis of the stresses and of the deformations in various structure members, considering successively axial loading, torsion, pure bending, and transverse loading.
21ME 214Engineering Economics
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Fundamental concepts in economics , supply demand and market mechanisms , fore costing , money and national economy , consumer demand and elasticity , business decisions ,firm in market place , industrial organization , plant layout and output , cost benefit analysis.
22ME 215Digital Logic Design
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Binary , octal & hexadecimal numbering systems , complements and arithmetic operations , binary codes and digital logic gates , canonical & standard forms , programmable logic devices , PLA & PAL , Boolean algebra , gate level implementation , optimized implementation of logic gates , arithmetic circuit design , ripple carry adder and others , combinational logic circuits building blocks , synchronous sequential circuits , digital system design and examples.  
23ME 216Thermo-Dynamics
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Basic concepts of thermodynamics, system types , continuum , process and cycle , temperature and zeroth law of thermodynamics , forms of energy , mechanical forms of work , first law of thermodynamics , energy conversion efficiencies , ideal gas equation of state , closed system processes , mass and energy analysis of control volume , steady flow energy equation , energy conversion devices , second law of thermodynamics , Carnot Cycle , Carnot heat engine , Carnot Refrigerator and heat pump , Entropy , Entropy change of ideal gas , Isotropic efficiencies of steady flow devices, heat transfer modes , one dimensional heat conduction , heat generation in a solid , steady heat conduction in plane walls and cylinders , critical radius of insulation , heat transfer from finned surfaces , fundamentals of convection , natural convection , internal forced convection , heat exchangers , cooling of electronic devices , radiation heat transfer.
24ME 221Advanced Math II
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Numerical methods in general, numerical methods in linear algebra , differential equations , partial differential equations , data analysis and probability theory , mathematical statistics.
26ME 222Fluid Mechanics II
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Understanding the properties of fluids , Calculating forces on a submerged structure in a static fluid , Using Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations to calculate pressure variations in accelerating fluids , Applying the momentum and energy equations to engineering problems , Evaluating head loss in pipes and conduits.
27ME 223Mechanics of Materials II
To teach students the principles of Mechanics of Materials and to develop engineering problem solving skills in stress/strain/deflection analysis through application of these principles. Topics covered include: behavior of axially loaded members; torsion in circular shafts; stresses and deflections in beams with symmetric cross sections; design adequacy; stress and strain transformation when coordinate systems are rotated; principle stresses; triaxial stresses and maximum shear stress; response in thin walled pressure vessels.
28ME 224Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamic and Vibration)
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Kinematics of particles , kinetics of particles , plane kinematics of rigid bodies , plane kinetics of rigid bodies , vibration.    
29ME 225Electro-Mech Systems
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Operating principles of DC machines , performance analysis of DC machines , concepts of AC machines , types and applications of AC motors , induction machines and their characteristics , construction and operation of synchronous generator and motor , Burch less DC motor , switched reluctance motor , special electrical machines.
30ME 226Electronic Principles and Devices
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :The Ideal OP Amp , inverting configuration , none-inverting configuration , diodes , terminal characteristics of junction diodes , physical operation of diodes , analysis of diodes circuits , Zener diodes , physical structure , analysis of transistor , small signal equivalent circuit of BJT , BJT large signal model and logic inverter , basic configuration of IC MOS amplifiers , MOSFET analog switch and high frequency model.
31ME 311Control Systems I
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Introduction to control engineering , steady state error analysis, root locus and design based , frequency response analysis , bode plots , gain margin and phase margin , polar plots and margins , Nyquist stability criterion , canonical realizations , structural properties of dynamical systems , linear state feedback , observe design , pole placement , Bass-Gura formula , Ackermann formula , Lyapunov stability analysis .
32ME 312Microprocessor and Digital Systems I
Architecture & operation , data transfer , logic operations and branching ,
33ME 313Design of Machin Elements
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Introduction to static loading , factor of safety , failure theories , failure of Ductile/brittle materials , stress concentration failure , fatigue loading , S-N Diagram and loading , stress concentration effects , fluctuating loading , continued loading , project design , design of screw and fasteners connections , welded joints , mechanical springs , bearing , lubrication theory , gear fundamentals , shafts loading , brakes , clutches , coupling , flywheels , hydraulic and pneumatics system design.
34ME 314Signal Processing
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Analogue signal classifications , Fourier series , distortionless transmission , analogue LTI systems , frequency responses , review of Laplace transform , classical analogue filter designs , digital signals , DSP processor , discrete-time system , Z-transform , Discrete-time LTI systems , Digital filters , IIR filters , FIR filters , discrete Fourier transform.
35ME 315Industrial Electronics
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Transducers & sensors , signal conditioning , operational amplifiers and circuits , phase locked loops , timing circuits , power control , actuators and motors , controllers for automation.
36ME 321Control Systems II
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :input and output , interrupts , DMA & soft design techniques , design experiments , software design accomplished with aid of assembler.
37ME 322Microprocessor and Digital Systems II
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :program assembly and simulations, arithmetic operations and program controlled , analog data
38ME 323Theory of Machines
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Kinematics fundamentals , mechanisms , position analysis , velocity analysis , acceleration analysis , dynamic force analysis , cam design , static and dynamic balancing , governors , mechanisms synthesis
39ME 324Mechatronics Instrumentation
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Basic building blocks of mechanics products , sensors , proximity sensors , force and torque measurement , Gyros , temperature and humidity sensors , actuators , power amplification and modulation , electrical machines , DC brushless motors , piezoelectric actuators , fluid systems , pneumatic actuators.
40ME 325Power Electronics and Devices
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Power semiconductor diodes , controlled rectifies , thyristors , power transistors , inverters , BOOST , BUCK BOOST , CUK , resonant pulse converter , static switches.
41ME 411Mobile and Laser Application
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Memory interfgace circuits , input/output interface circuits , parallel printer interface , 82C55A PIT architecture and operation modes , 8237A DMA controller , USB 1 , USB 2 , PCI , serial communication , keyboard interface design , storage interface , IBM PC motherboard , PC bus , PCB design , industrial bus interface CAN , microcontroller interface , sensors and actuators , introduction to laser , mobile system .  
42ME 412Digital Control Systems
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Difference equations and Z-transform , transfer function , time response to DST , DAC , under loop systems , time response of AST , final value theorem , Jury’s stability test , asymptomatic stability , BIBO stability , PDF controller design , direct Z-domain controller design , frequency response design , finite setting time design , ripple free controller design , state space representation of BST , discrete time feedback controller, Ackerman’s method.
43ME 413Intelligent Mechatronics
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Artificial neural networks , feedforward neural networks , EBP , radial basis function neural networks , computing with words , fuzzy logic , SFS , ANFIS , genetic computing , identification of dynamical systems , image enhancement.
44ME 414Planning Engineering/Project Management
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Operation management , production systems , productivity , forecasting , product design and reliability , capacity planning , decision theory , plant layout , plant location , design of work systems , learning curves , management of quality , quality control , TQM , supply chain management .
45ME 421Production Tooling and Automation
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Manufacturing systems , manufacturing economics , theory of automation , building blocks of automation  , automation simulation (software automation studio) , rapid prototyping , CNC machines and programing , PLCs and programming of PLCs.
46ME 422Design of Mechatronic Systems
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Control systems , system preliminary , modeling for process design , engineering system investigation , electrical-mechanical analogies , modelling of various systems , basic models , heating system design , block-based modeling and simulation , linearization of hydraulic systems , mixing tank system , electromagnetic suspension system , controller design , proportional control design , operation amplifier , O-AMP , AP-AMS ,
47ME 423Robotics
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Types of robots , joints used in robots , degree of freedom and constraints , types of planar and spatial mechanisms , frame assignment , transformations form one system to another , forward and inverse kinematics , velocity and force analysis , dynamics of robots , path planning , trajectory analysis , mechanism design used in robots , software used in robots.
48ME 424Graduation Project
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Case studies and students presentations , design projects , laboratory work required
49ME 415Artificial Intelligence
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Introduction to artificial intelligence , artificial neural networks , genetics algorithms , reinforcement learning , fuzzy reinforcement learning , fuzzy logic and neural learning .
50ME 416LAN Programming
Introduction to LAN programming using C/C++ language , DAC , DC motors , stepper motors , temperature and pressure sensors controlled by LAN.
51ME 417Computer Graphics and Animation
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Principles of computer graphics using matrices , matrices algebra for designing 2/3d objects capable of rotation , translation and zooming , basic 3d operations in Open GL , 3D collision detection , special effects.
52ME 418WSPACE and Object Oriented Programming
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Robot simulation software , kinematics of robot , object oriented programming .
53ME 419Solid Modelling
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Capabilities of Pro/Engineer , orientation to the work environment , protrusion , cut , through extrude , revolve and solid-thin , concept of datum features , datum coordinate system , option parameter , customer unites , though sweep , blend , surface modeling and others.
54ME 425Theory of Screws in Robotics
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :This theory combines linear and rotary motion into one vector , joint torque and forces in one vector , concept of work done , reciprocity of screws .
55ME 426Instrumentation and Measurement
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Measurement process , errors , signal and noise in instrumentation , display and recording systems , signal processing , transducers and actuators , SMART sensors , filter design , microprocessors-based instrumentation systems , data logging and interfaces , data processing and storage teleprocessing , remote sensing techniques.
56ME 427Sensors and Vision System
This course lets the students to understand the following topics :Study of physical bases of sensing systems , analysis and applications of various sensors , strain gauges ,( temperature – flow – force – torque- pressure -acceleration -velocity -position and acoustic) sensors , fiber optics and laser , signal conditioning and measurement systems , various system technologies.
57ME 428Computers Interfacing
This course covers fundamentals of Computer interfacing to the external world through the following: parallel, serial, and analog interfaces. The roles of timers and interrupts are discussed. UART and UART programming aspects are emphasized.




Fall Term/First Semester
Code Course NameTheoryPracticalCreditECTS
MATH 101Calculus I4045
ME 113Electrical Circuits and Network Analysis I3245
ME 117Engineering Drawing1434
ME 122Fundamentals in Physics3033
ME 109Introduction to Mechatronics System3034
ELT103Advanced English3033
KUR105Kurdology I2023
DBT 101Academic Debate and Critical Thinking2023



Spring Term/Second Semester
Code Course NameTheoryPracticalCreditECTS
MATH 102Calculus II4045
ME 114Electrical Circuits and Network Analysis II3245
ME 108SolidWorks & Simulation0424
ME 104Computer Programming and Algorithm2233
ME 121Engineering Mechanics – Statics4044
ELT 104Technical English3033
KUR 106Kurdology II2023
GEN 122Interpersonal Dynamics and Character Building2023


Fall Term/Third Semester
Code Course NameTheoryPracticalCreditECTS
MAT 211Advanced- Mathematics I3036
ME 217Pneumatic & Hydraulic  systems2235
ME 219Electro-Mechanical Systems 2236
ME 221Thermodynamics 3034
ME 215Electronic Principles and Devices2236
 Non-Technical Elective I2023
Total 1461730


Spring Term/Fourth Semester
Code Course NameTheoryPracticalCreditECTS
ME 212Advanced Mathematics  II3036
ME 223Theory of Machinery 3035
ME 226Manufacturing Technology3034
ME 224Digital Logic Design2236
ME 227Analog Devices & Circuits2236
 Non-Technical Elective II2023


Fall Term/Fifth Semester
Code Course NameTheoryPracticalCreditECTS
ME 311Control System3246
ME 312Microprocessor & Programmer2236
ME 313Design of Machine Elements3036
ME 314Signal and Systems3246
ME 315Technical Elective ( Instrumentation and Measurement)3036
Total 1461730


Spring Term/Sixth Semester
Code Course NameTheoryPracticCreditECTS
ME 316Digital Communication Systems3036
ME 321Design of transmission Systems3246
ME 325CNC Machine & Metrology2236
ME 326Power Electronics and Devices3246
 Technical Elective (Medical Mechatronics)3036
 Internship (4 Weeks Summer Training)    



Fall Term/Seventh Semester
Code Course NameTheoryPracticalCreditECTS
ME 411Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)  426
ME 413Robotics3246
ME 414Research Methodology1646
 Technical Elective (Embedded System)3036
 Technical Elective (Special Topics/Nanoscience)3036


Spring Term/Eighth Semester
Code Course NameTheoryPracticalCreditECTS
ME 472Renewable Energy (TE)3246
ME 422Design of Mechatronics Systems3246
ME 424Final Year Project (FYP)1646
 Technical Elective (TE) Industrial Mechatronics3036
 Technical Elective  (Robotics and Machine Vision System) Dr. Qayser3036