While being in quarantining for months due to Covid-19, Engineer. Ahmed Ameer Arsalan, a Research Assistant at the Mechatronics Engineering Department at Tishk International University, enrolled in a 3D design online competition this summer in July 2020, that lasted for three months. The competition was organized by the cooperation of Field-ready members at IOT maker, Erbil makerspace, Mosul space, and Al-Turath University.

Tishk International University | mechatronic Department

The competition was opened to all Iraqi residents to submit any work that requires 3D design and that should be created to prevent the spread of coronavirus. To participate in the competition, Eng. Ahmed designed a door handle and was one accepted along with 75 participants.

The first task in the competition was “Upcycling with 3D Design” which qualified 25 participants, the second task was “ Design an Illustrative Tool for Education” which qualified 10 participants and the third task was titled “ 3D Design for people with disabilities”. The last task proved to be the most difficult and was very crucial in determining the winners of the competition. Fortunately, he was placed 2nd and was awarded a 3D printer as his prize. On behalf of the Department, we wish to congratulate Ahmed for his success and hope to see more of his hard work in the future.

For more details Click Here.