
Prof.  Ezideenhasso/Energy Engg(Duhok polytechnic University)

Prof.  N.S.Sivakumar/Mechatronics Engg (TIU)

Abstract and Objectives:

The future world is depending on the  renewable energy sources and especially the solar energy is plays a major role in the field of energy sector. The energy  industries are equipped advanced automations like PLC and  design of MATLAB for enhancing the efficiency of solar energy.

       The main objective of this Workshop is creating exposures among students to understand the importance of solar energy and application of automation in the energy industries and mobility engineering.

         By this work shop participants can create mathematical models of physical engineering systems using semiscape to valuate research and assignments. A brief  introduction is given based on semens logo 8. Some exercise is been looking into from industrial application. The solar panel has been explain together with application. The partial shading condition has been analyzed and model on semis scape-MATLAB.


28 & 29 th April 2019