
Information and the Sample of First Quiz (IT)


Hello Dear Students This is the information about the quiz for next Wednesday at 15/5/2019. for information Technology course. You will get a text about 5-10 pages of text, then you need to perform the next points to get the desired result. 1- Highlight, Underline, changing fonts, and size of the font for some of the text. 2- Changing the Style of the Title, Header-1, Header-2... 3- Inserting Cover page , SmartArts, Pictures, and Shapes. 4- Changing Design and Color of the document, 5- Adding Page border and watermark, changing the background of the pages, 6- Changing the Orientation of a [...]

Information and the Sample of First Quiz (IT)2020-01-23T10:29:38+00:00

Challenge 4 کێبرکێی چوارەم


[toggle title="کوردی" state="open"] دوو شارۆچکە ( أ ) و (ب) لە تەنیشت یەکتری کە دووری نێوانیان ١٠ کیلۆمەترە، نەخۆشیەکی ڤایرۆسی لە شارۆچکەی ( أ ) دەستیپێکرد کە لە هەر رۆژێکدا ئەو ڤایرۆسە لە هەوادا ئەبێت بە دوو ئەوەندەی خۆی، دکتۆرەکان ئەلێن بە ٣ رۆژ هەموو شارۆچکەی أ داگیر ئەکات و دوای ٨ کاتژمێر لە داگیرکردنی شارۆچکەی أ ئەگاتە شارۆچکەی ب، کە شارۆچکەی ب حەوت و نیو ئەوەندەی شارۆچکەی أ گەورەترە پرسیارەکە ئەوەیە ئایە چەند کات ئەخایەنێت تا هەردوو شارەکە بە تەواوی داگیر بکات. [/toggle]   [toggle title="English" state="open"] There are 2 Towns ( A & B ) next to each other [...]

Challenge 4 کێبرکێی چوارەم2019-05-03T15:50:55+00:00

Civil Engineering Competition Day


Civil engineering department in collaboration with ACI-Iraq chapter organized two competitions on April 03, 2019, Spaghetti Bridge and FRC bowling ball. More than 80 students participated in the competitions from universities in Erbil region such as Salahaddin University. The FRC bowling ball competition is the first time that held in Iraq under supervision of ACI- Iraq Chapter. The FRC bowling ball were evaluated through three steps; first: the bowling game, second: the drop test, and the compression test. For Spaghetti Bridge the more load sustained one become the winner. Participant certifications were awarded for every contestant.  First, second and third winners [...]

Civil Engineering Competition Day2019-04-29T13:49:35+00:00

Challenge 3


If someone lost his password of his account to a website, but he is sure that the password is consisting of 3 digits without repeating of any digit, also he is sure that he used 2 numbers from (1 to 9) and 1 letter from ( T , I , U). The website has a policy which let you try any incorrect password, but the is two conditions to enter any digit, you need 5 second then it will let you to write the next digit. each trial of an incorrect password freeze you for 1 second more than previous trail [...]

Challenge 32019-04-29T14:23:05+00:00

Challenge 2


Dear Students and Engineers This is the second challenge from a series challenges for our beloved students and Engineers Challenge 2: A civil Engineer designed a great wall for two equal sides of a town for safety reasons. It was estimated that both sides can be finished in (183 days) if (37 workers) worked for (12 hours) each day. later it was found that (40 volunteers) from the Town asked to join the workers to work for (6 hours) each day until the first side of the town will be finished. The Question is: How many days (Day: Hour) it will [...]

Challenge 22019-04-29T13:42:03+00:00

Challenge 1


If a pool as Shown in the picture has 2 Water taps to fill the pool with water, if only the red water tap is opened the pool will be full of water in 3 hours, in other hand if only the black water tab is opened it takes 5 hours for the pool to be full. The question is how much time (Hours : Minutes : Seconds) it will take to make the pool full if both water taps will be opened at the same time? [toggle title="Answer" state="close"] 1 h : 52 m : 30 s [/toggle]

Challenge 12019-04-29T13:42:07+00:00
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