The department of Civil Engineering proudly would like to announce that it has officially become a member of YouthMappers network under the name of “Tishk University YouthMappers Students Chapter”. YouthMappers is an international consortium on “Mapping for Resilience” to prepare a generation of young leaders to create more resilient communities and to define the world through mapping. YouthMappers organizes a global community of learners, researchers, educators, and scholars to create and maintain open geographic data that address the development challenges worldwide. The consortium contributes to mapping tasks organized by partner institutions and organizations by adding attributes and features to OSM (Open Street Map). 

YouthMappers is backed by the USAID (United States Agency for International Development) and provides research fellowship for student-mentor teams participating in the program based on the students’ potential to contribute to this research topic. This fellowship provides great opportunities for the student to develop him/herself, which will reflect on the image of the university and increase its rating.

Currently, the YouthMappers fieldwork program is accepting applications. Anyone who has the interest to become a member in the chapter can fill out the google form from the following link Membership is open for everyone, including teaching staff, admin staff, and students.