The Faculty of Engineering will thrive as a leader in education with a dynamic and innovative approach that supports ethics, cultural diversity, lifelong learning, research, entrepreneurship, professionalism, and partnership with local and global communities.
Our mission is to foster excellence in teaching, research, and learning within a systems approach to engineering education. Our goal is to educate our students with both a strong base of technical knowledge and the complementary skills needed to be successful professional engineers in the modern world. We also aim to have graduates who consider moral principles of the local and global community and apply them to the practice of engineering in a set of obligations to society, to their clients, and to the profession.
Our core goals are:
· Build a sense of service, ethics, professionalism, and dedication in our students.
· Support our students in the experimental process to be a professional engineer with experience and necessary skills.
· Develop scientific thinking ability that considers ethical values and community benefits.
· Pay attention to sustainable solutions to community problems.
· Train graduates who have professional competency and professional ethics.
· Train free, critical, productive individuals with innovative ideas.
· Bring Interdisciplinary studies to the fore and promote teamwork between different areas.
· Interact with international organizations and institutions to build strong relations and to configure events.
· Develop projects, by strengthening relationships with industry and service sectors to contribute to the development of the country.
· Build strong relations between the Faculty, the University, the community, and industry to build a research base.
· Construct programs to meet evolving industry, community, and student needs.