The Department of Computer Engineering organized a training on the topic entitled “Training on Advanced MATLAB Programming” by Dr. Abubakar M. Ashir, which take place between dates 13/11/2022 – 09/04/2023 at 03:00 PM in Main Building Lab 241.

Introduction: MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform used by millions of engineers and scientists to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models. For a long period of time, MATLAB programming has become a darling programming language for engineers, scientists, and researchers in and around most of educational institutions due to its simplicity and relative ease to use. To professional software engineers and programmers, MATLAB was often viewed as weaker and lagging behind most of the leading programming languages due to concerns ranging from generality, interoperability, and efficiency. While most of the weaknesses associated with MATLAB had been fairly true at the beginning, the current MATLAB language has come of age and become a very powerful and formidable language that can effectively compete with other languages and provides new exciting content that enables the development of different types of applications that were once thought to have been only possible to be developed by the conventional programming languages like C, C++, The training takes you on a journey to explore some of the most promising and exciting developments and applications of MATLAB in the modern computational world.

Topics to be covered

Modern MATLAB: History, Evolution, and Application in the Scientific and engineering field
MATLAB and Simulink online, Live scripts and Functions
Introduction to MATLAB Apps, Interoperability, and code conversion with other languages (C, C++):
Apps creation with MATLAB for standalone and web applications
MATLAB support packages for Arduino-based applications.
SIMULINK support packages for Arduino-based applications.
MATLAB support packages for Raspberry-based applications.
MATLAB support packages for Android applications.
Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Simulink
Deep Learning with MATLAB

Below are some of the things that can be accomplished with MATLAB.

Math and computation
Algorithm development
Modelling, simulation, and prototyping
Data analysis, exploration, and visualization
Scientific and engineering graphics
Application development, including Graphical User Interface building
Development of hardware-based applications
AI applications development
Big data and cloud computing supports