The Interior Design Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University organized a internal seminar entitled Architectural Transformation and Nostalgic Appeal Comparing Social Spaces in Erbil’s Traditional Bazaar and Modern Malls   on may 5/2024. The workshop was presented by Ass. Lec. Faeza Bakr M.

The aim of the seminar was to explain (Erbil, the architectural transformation from traditional bazaars to modern malls reveals a fascinating juxtaposition between historical continuity and contemporary adaptation. The traditional bazaars, with their intricate designs, narrow alleys, and vibrant atmospheres, evoke a sense of nostalgia and cultural identity. They serve as social hubs where people engage in age-old practices of trade, communication, and community bonding. Conversely, modern malls in Erbil represent the city’s shift towards globalization and urbanization, featuring sleek, spacious layouts and a wide range of amenities aimed at convenience and leisure. These malls cater to a cosmopolitan audience, offering a standardized shopping experience that contrasts sharply with the personalized interactions of the bazaars. The nostalgic appeal of the traditional bazaar lies in its preservation of cultural heritage and communal spirit, while modern malls embody the aspirations of a rapidly modernizing society. Analyzing these social spaces highlights the dynamic interplay between preserving cultural identity and embracing modernity in Erbil’s urban landscape. Also to explain how we can feel the historical site of Erbil while visiting bazaar.