The Interior Design Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University organized aa national workshop entitled “Research Advancement (Mendeley Tools)”  on may 20/2024. The workshop was presented by Dr. omar abdulwahab aimed to explain Mendeley Cite add-in for Microsoft Word allows you to easily insert references from your Mendeley library into your Word document, change your citation style and generate a bibliography – all without leaving your document.

Dr.omer explained  Materials provided like :Mendeley Cite is a free, simple add-in for Microsoft Word versions 2016 and above, with the Microsoft Word app for iPad and with Microsoft Word Online. for All categories of Researchers, academic staff, & postgraduate students. also the attendees were asked to bring requirements like  their personal laptops in order to practice the ‎software.

In conclusion, all attendees gained valuable insights and knowledge on website development. The workshop provided practical skills and strategies, enhancing their ability to create and manage websites effectively. Participants left with a deeper understanding of web design principles, coding techniques, and best practices for optimizing user experience and site performance. This newfound expertise is expected to significantly benefit their future projects and professional growth.

the workshop was divided into two parts

First session 2:00 – 3:00 introduction about Mendeley and its relation with citation in the scientific research.

second session 3:00 – 4:00 pm Getting started with Mendeley Cite and how to use it in practical way.