On May21 , 2024, our students from Department of Interior Design visited(natawa festival) at sami abdulrahman park. This visit was part of an ongoing initiative to strengthen of our department. Our students participated in a festival as representatives of our department, showcasing their skills and enthusiasm. They actively engaged in various events, demonstrating their talent and dedication. Their involvement not only highlighted the excellence of our department but also fostered a sense of community and teamwork. The festival provided a valuable platform for our students to gain experience, network with peers, and further their personal and professional growth.

Our students participated in the festival by contributing to the China tent, where they served both as visitors and volunteers. They immersed themselves in the cultural activities, played traditional games, and assisted in organizing and facilitating the events. Their active participation and support helped enhance the experience for all attendees, reflecting positively on our department and showcasing their dedication and cultural engagement.