On May 22 th, 2024, the Interior Design Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University (TIU) prepared a farewell gathering to second stage students. The event, graced by the presence of the Head of the Interior Design Department, was attended by miss sana basil and miss aisha asaad,also mr.sulaiman. The purpose of the gathering was to take a moment to truly thank the students for doing great job and their hard working through the year.

As we bid farewell to our second stage students, we celebrate the end of one remarkable chapter and the beginning of another. This farewell party is not just a moment of parting but a celebration of all the hard work, achievements, and memories that have been created. Throughout their time here, these students have grown, not only in knowledge but in character, forging friendships and facing challenges with resilience. As they step forward into new opportunities and adventures, we wish them success and happiness, confident that the foundation built here will support them in all their future endeavors. Today, we honor their journey and look forward to the bright paths that lie ahead.