National Workshop On Future Prospects of Aviation Engineering

We are thrilled to announce that the Aviation Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University (TIU) is hosting a National Workshop on Future Prospects of Aviation Engineering.

Prof. Abdullateef Jadallah, an expert in this area of aviation, will be the featured speaker at the event. The national workshop will be conducted on Wednesday, 17th May, 2023, at 2:00 P.M. in Room 339 of the Main Building, and all students and faculty are invited.

The workshop will feature a distinguished expert who will share his valuable insights and experiences. Participants will have the unique opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions and gain valuable knowledge about the future prospects of aviation engineering. The workshop will cover a wide range of topics. We invite aviation professionals, researchers, academicians, students, and enthusiasts to join us for this enlightening workshop. It will be an excellent platform to network, exchange ideas, and explore the possibilities that lie ahead in the field of aviation engineering.