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Academic Years 2022-2023

Tishk International University, Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Department release the Thesis and Projects for 4th Grade students for the academic year 2022-2023.

Group 1

Title of the ProjectPerformance analysis of precise point positioning using multi-constellation GNSS: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou.
Names Of Students
  • Darko Dara Bakir
  • Vadiana Ako
Name of SupervisorMr. Shamal Fatah Ahmed
The abstract of the ProjectPrecise Point Positioning (PPP) is a GNSS positioning technique that can provide positions with submeter accuracy. Unlike traditional GNSS positioning techniques, PPP does not require any groundbased infrastructure, making it well-suited for applications where ground-based infrastructure is unavailable or undesirable. In recent years, the number of GNSS constellations has increased, with GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou now operational. This increase in the number of constellations has the potential to improve the performance of PPP. In this paper, we analyze the performance of PPP using GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou. We compare the position accuracy and robustness of PPP solutions using different combinations of constellations. Our results show that PPP using all four constellations can provide robust and accurate solutions, even in challenging environments.

Group 2

Title of the Project Small-Object Documentation Using Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry.
Names of Students
  • Ivan Nizar
  • Bwer Mukhlis
  • Diyar Musa
Name of SupervisorMr. Bakhtyar Ahmed
The Abstract of the ProjectThis study presents a digital closerange photogrammetry workflow for the documentation of small objects. The workflow consists of four steps: image capture, image processing, 3D modeling, and quality assessment. The study demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed workflow through the documentation of three small objects. The results show that the proposed workflow is effective for the documentation of small objects.

Group 3

Title of the ProjectEstimation of reservoir capacity from topographic maps.
Names of Students
  • Noor Kamaran
  • Ali Mushir
  • Hasan Mahdi
Name of SupervisorProfessor Dr. Tariq Hama Karim
The abstract of the ProjectThis paper discusses the estimation of reservoir capacity from topographic maps. The method proposed is based on the areacapacity relationship for reservoirs. The paper presents the results of applying the proposed method to four reservoirs in the United States. The results show that the proposed method is reliable and can be used to estimate the capacity of reservoirs.

Academic Years 2023-2024

Tishk International University, Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Department released the Thesis and Projects for 4th Grade students for the academic year 2023-2024.

Group 1

Title of the ProjectAssessing GNSS Data Quality in Land Surveying
Names Of Students
Name of SupervisorMr. Rozh Ismael Abdulmajeed
The abstract of the Project“Assessing GNSS Data Quality in Land Surveying” is crucial for accurate results. This abstract highlights the key factors in evaluating data quality, including signal integrity, satellite geometry, atmospheric conditions, and receiver performance. Methods like Dilution of Precision (DOP) metrics, real-time monitoring, and post-processing are discussed. Rigorous data quality assessment improves the precision and reliability of land surveying, enhancing the effectiveness of GNSS technology in this field.

Group 2

Title of the ProjectGeodetic Network design using GNSS Receivers
Names of Students
Name of SupervisorMr. Rozh Ismael Abdulmajeed
The Abstract of the ProjectDesigning an effective geodetic network is vital for precise positioning and measurement applications using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers. This abstract provides a concise overview of geodetic network design using GNSS technology. It outlines the key considerations, including station distribution, satellite visibility, baseline length, and observation frequency. The abstract also discusses strategies for optimizing network geometry and minimizing errors through proper station selection. By emphasizing the importance of sound network design principles, this research contributes to enhancing the accuracy and reliability of GNSS-based geodetic measurements, making it valuable for various applications such as surveying, mapping, and monitoring

Group 3

Title of the ProjectMonitoring Urbanization Sprawl Using Geoinformatics
Names of Students
Name of SupervisorDr. Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi
The abstract of the ProjectThe application of geoinformatics in monitoring urbanization sprawl. It emphasizes the significance of addressing urban expansion challenges. Geoinformatics plays a pivotal role in capturing, analyzing, and visualizing spatial data to understand the dynamics of urban growth. The abstract highlights the utilization of remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and other geospatial technologies to monitor land-use changes, infrastructure development, and their environmental impact. This research offers valuable insights into urban planning, land management, and sustainable development practices, ultimately aiding in the effective management of urban sprawl and its associated challenges.