
Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Social Project


As part of the activities of Community-University Partnership Projects, the Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Department / Faculty of Engineering – Tishk International University, organized a shopping outing to supply clothes for the orphanage. This activity was represented by Mr.Rozh Ismael (Lecturer), and Mr. Shamal Mohammed Amin (Research Assistant), and financially supported by the Dilnewa Organization and the funding of the Departments’ academic staff and students. The aim was to provide clothing to 62 orphans in celebration of Eid-al-Fitr. The children were accompanied by our students and staff members to help them shop based on their demands. Thankfully, the event was a success and the children were [...]

Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Social Project2021-06-13T05:57:09+00:00

Dam Settlement Monitoring


Graduates will have an advanced understanding of the following areas for engineering practice.    Surveying, including boundary and land surveying, subdivision, control survey, topographic survey, construction surveying and hydrographic surveying. Q.Editor

Dam Settlement Monitoring2024-02-06T12:06:25+00:00
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