Dear students,

Please note that the spring semester of the academic year of 2020-2021 for upper grades (2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students) will start from tomorrowWednesday 03/02/2021 and attendance will be taken for those who have successfully completed their registration process.

Kindly adhere to the following rules and regulations during this semester and as follows:

  • Wear masks that fully cover your nose and mouth and follow the health instructions issued by the ministry of health. Refer to this post for further information on how to protect yourself and others. COVID – 19 measures on campus
  • Maintain your social distance inside and outside classes and laboratories.

You can view and download the weekly schedule from the following link (Spring semester schedule for first grade is also added): CMPE Spring Semester Schedule (Version 4)


  • (T) represents theory courses (on-campus)
  • (P) represents practical courses (on-campus)
  • (O) represents online courses (online)